Friday, December 7, 2012

Poinsettia DIY

A couple weeks I got a scoring board! I was really excited about it because it makes folding paper a lot easier. I'm sure most of you have seen those paper medallions which are really popular right now, well the scoring board makes creating them a cinch!

So anyway, I got it and started playing around with it. I wanted to try something creasing it on the diagonal, and I ended up creating this poinsettia! I love how it turned out, and it was pretty easy.

Start with a 9 x 12 inch piece of card stock, cut in half across the width.

Taking one of the halves start scoring it from one of the corners on down.

Work out from the center, scoring the paper in 1/2 inch increments.

Begin to accordion fold the paper at one of the lines coming down from a corner, creating a peak fold.  Work the accordion fold out from there. Both lines from the corners should end up being peaks.

Make a total of 6 petals.

Put them together wrong side up, so the peaks are valleys. Fill the valleys with hot glue to hold them together.

Once the glue has set turn the poinsettia over (right side up). Hot glue down the seam where each peak joins with the next (neatly), and sprinkle glitter on the hot glue. I did one seam at a time so the hot glue wouldn't harden on me before I got the glitter on. Once all the seams are done, hot glue a little in the center to get it looking nice, sprinkle with more glitter and there is your poinsettia!

To hang it use a small needle and some invisible thread, poke the needle through one the the valleys and the hole is not even noticeable.

 You could do the same thing with green paper and make holly leaves, then make small red medallions for the berries. I am looking forward to creating lots of fun Christmas decorations!

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